Monday, July 27, 2009

The Sky is Falling!

Now, I am shocked. The American College of Surgeons has indeed supported HR 3200. I'm still trying to figure out "why?", seeing as I was not given the opportunity to voice in the negative for such a proposal. I wasn't aware they had enough time to thoroughly review the resolution (doubtful) and then solicit feedback from its members. Again, this organization represents me, a surgeon, and I take great offense in the ACS decision to support this plan with the carrot basically being the repeal of planned Medicare cuts. Why would we do this? It makes me ill.

The issue is simple...the government CANNOT provide efficient high-quality health care. This is evidenced on a smaller scale by the VA hospital system, and until there can be Tort Reform on a national level, we have no business offering HR3200 ANY support. You cannot simply give credence to this hastily and poorly written legislation on the premise that something has to be done now.

It is obvious that there has been very little input regarding this legislation from the medical community and a great deal from Democratic legislators (i.e. attorneys). I for one refuse to ride along hoping for an extra bone here and there. When they refuse to protect physicians and all the while impose and dictate their own policy, then we as surgeons and physicians have a lot more to lose in the long run than a couple of appendectomies in the middle of the night.

In short, the college's support leads me to believe that the ACS was threatened to be left eating Thanksgiving dinner at the kids' table having no input whatsoever! Sounds like typical Chicago strong arm tactics to me.

Isn't the American College of Surgeons based in Chicago?


  1. I was listening to a caller (from Australia)into Rush L. at noon today. He was talking about how messed up the 'system' was that many Doctors had opting out. They hadn't received payments, and their wasnt any inflation figured in. Many patients were willing pay out of pocket to get treatment, and then file their own claims. They had to wait months and months to see what their reimbusements would be after review board, after review board would look at the cases. So much for the Statist plans!

  2. Mark,

    Thought you might like to read this from a good friend of mine from Richardson. I will post in two sections since their is a limit.


    I had an exhilarating experience tonight. My Congressman, Pete Sessions
    (R-32nd District, Texas) conducted a Town Hall Meeting in Richardson, TX
    at the Civic Center. It was scheduled to last from 7 - 8:30 PM. The
    hall seats 550 people. Last year, he might have had 150 at the
    meeting. Due to a previous commitment, I did not arrive until 7:00.
    When the huge parking lot was full, all the streets surrounding the
    facility were full and all of the parking lots nearby were full, I knew
    we had a "happening" on our hands.

    I had to park about 3 blocks away at the YMCA of all places and walk to
    the hall in the rain. Arriving at the door, I discovered that the hall
    already had some 800 people inside...standing room only. The fire
    marshal and police had closed the outside door for safety purposes.
    There must have been some 200 - 250 at the door who couldn't get in and
    were more than a little miffed. However, except for a couple of people,
    everyone was sensible. Everyone stayed and stayed and engaged in
    animated but respectful conversation outside. Most everyone made new
    friends. Virtually everyone was of kindred mind. Signs were abundant
    supporting the defeat of obamacare. Did not see a single sign in
    favor! One lady had a white legal pad on which she made multiple signs
    saying NO. She had a LOT of takers. A couple of people were
    supporters of Obamacare. They were both males, not old enough to be on
    Medicare. While respectful, the crowd practiced what Obama has
    encouraged HIS supporters to do....argue with them and "get in their
    faces." And that is a quote from one of Obama's speeches. Finally,
    after about an hour and 15 minutes, the police allowed us to go inside
    and stand in the gallery where we could at least hear the loud speaker.
    I finally got into the hall about 8:45 and stayed until the meeting was
    over around 9:15.

    Since I heard only a small portion of the meeting, I can honestly say
    that I did not learn anything that I have not already learned via Fox
    News Channel, talk radio and the Internet. What I did hear from the
    Congressman, verified that we have been receiving accurate information
    from all of those sources. I felt encouraged to find so very many like
    minded people who are equally as concerned not only about the health
    care issue but also, on a larger scale, the hob nailed boot approach and
    lack of respect Washington is demonstrating toward John Q. Average
    American. I heard many say, that this is not just a health care issue,
    it's an issue of our freedom, our very way of life that many have fought
    and died for. I have been praying for the sleeping giant to awaken and,
    if my experience tonight is representative, my prayers are being answered.

    I would estimate that, being generous, there could not have been more
    than 1-2% of the attendees who were for obamacare. It was very likely
    far less than that. I would characterize the meeting as very passionate
    but respectful. Pete Sessions handled the entire meeting very
    professionally and respectfully. AND he was treated professionally and
    with respect. Plainly, he represents the feelings of the huge majority
    of the people in his district and he is to be commended for standing
    tall, albeit, currently he is swimming upstream. A physician and a
    physician's wife both made very articulate talks. The physician spelled
    out in chapter and verse how much free health care physicians are
    already providing to those who are without insurance and unable to pay.
    I cannot begin to report in any detail the many sensible, accurate and
    helpful things these people shared regarding our existing health care

  3. Part II

    Did you know that because of tort reform that was recently instituted in
    Texas, there has been a massive influx of doctors moving into Texas to
    practice medicine? In fact, Congressman Sessions reported that more
    jobs were created in TEXAS in 2008 than all the other 49 states ADDED
    together! Many of these jobs were in the health care industry.

    No doubt there are some areas of our health care and insurance industry
    that need to be repaired. But to totally destroy the current
    system.....that's throwing the baby out with the bath water. Every
    country that has instituted government run health care has arrived at
    the same place....rationed health care, long lines, long waits, denied
    medication and/or procedures based on age and/or cost. As the physician
    pointed out tonight, our health care is expensive because we have the
    best and most advanced equipment, procedures, availability and health
    care professionals on the face of the planet.

    I would close with a personal observation. I am encouraged by the
    awakening and speaking up by American citizens. I am blown away at the
    ads the dim Dems are now running in an attempt to demonize, denigrate,
    smear and otherwise destroy those who are in opposition to their
    programs. They are characterizing any opposition as being orchestrated
    Angry Mobs organized by special interest groups. What an unabashed
    insult to the integrity of American citizens! Last time I checked we
    still have free speech in this least for the time being.
    How about dedicated and educated American citizens who are simply fed up
    with having this crap crammed down our throats. The official White
    House web site is now even running a piece which is requesting that
    citizens snitch on neighbors, family and friends who oppose obamacare
    and their programs. They are even requesting that opposition emails be
    forwarded directly to the White House. I invite anyone to report me and
    my feelings directly to the White House. I'd like to know what the Hell
    they are going to do about it and do to me! I'm damn proud of my
    opinion and don't really care who knows it. The Culture of Corruption,
    of classic Chicago politics on a national scale is now based in
    Washington, DC and coming to a community near you.

    I predict many Democrats will pull the plug on their Town Hall meetings
    this month based on the resounding response they have already received.
    This one will be interesting to watch.

    I pray that the concerns and outcry of the previously silent majority
    will not flare out prior to the elections in 2010 and 2012. Educate
    yourself, be well informed, support a candidate who represents your
    feelings, stand up for freedom and demand fiscal responsibility from
    your government! I believe with every ounce of strength I have and with
    every bone in my body that our very way of life is at stake!

    If you've made it this far, thanks for your indulgence!


  4. I couldn't have said it better myself. Because of a little thing that we call Tort Reform (although in my opinion it is not "true" Tort Reform), one simple thing that limited non-economic damages made it easier for greed sucking plaintiffs attorneys to go look for easier prey.

    We have an average of ~3600 new doctors coming into Texas each year now and our medical malpractice insurance has dropped significantly. The reason for that is simple - fewer frivolous lawsuits mean more insurance companies vie for a doctor's money when it comes to providing med/mal coverage. It has truly been amazing and we basically got to tag along with business legislation passed in 2003. The bill wasn't even passed specifically for us! See what happens when you treat health care as a business in a TRUE free market! COSTS GO DOWN!

    Next should be the insurance providers themselves. Open up states borders to competitive premium pricing and the same thing will happen. The problem is the major carriers love their little INTRA-state monopolies. It's no wonder that United Health Care PROFITED nearly $900 MILLION dollars this past quarter with fewer members than last year!

    Keep up the good fight!
